Saturday, August 31, 2019

Benefits of Globalization: Cemex Essay

1. What benefits have CEMEX and the other global competitors in cement derived from globalization? More broadly, how can cross-border activities add value in an industry as apparently localized as cement? (Question for Analysis) The oligopolistic nature of the cement business dictates the limited notion of business strategy, however CEMEX, one of very few cement producers found that through globalization, a variety of benefits can be obtained and utilized to their own. Expanding to the global market was a vision in which Zombrano (CEMEX former CEO) capitalized and was able to add value into the industry in a variety of different practices. CEMEX aggressively took the risk to expand their global exploits from the means of economic speculation during the 1980s-2000 period. Through globalization they were able to build an impressive portfolio and further benefit from each acquisition. More importantly as a homogenous product in cement, the building market during the 1980s and 90s was relevant and needed in developing countries with considerable growth opportunities. This is highlighted in their endeavors with the takeover of Valanciana and Sanson in Spain (1992). Spain, a part of the MEU (Monetary European Unio n) highlighted investment potential as currency rates along with risk premium were considerably low. The lower cost of capital in the merges posed further potential for funding elsewhere at affordable rates. Investments in any Country apart of the MEU could have been beneficial, however, CEMEX strategically pursued developing countries with potential for economic growth. A core benefit of their globalization practices indulged with reducing costs and increase plant efficiency to a much greater extent. Inducing their very own Mexican based best practice into the Spanish operation CEMEX recorded annual savings/benefits of $120million and increase in operating margins from 7% to 24%. Interestingly enough, their benefits didn’t reside only in increased revenue or market domination, but further constantly developed their repertoire by absorbing the comparative advantages in the different economies and markets. By tapping into the building industry in Spain, they discovered incredible efficiency in the energy program through the use of petroleum coke as the main fuel source. By 199 4, a vast majority of CEMEX plants changed to petroleum coke in the own energy program. CEMEX was able to recognize  globalization benefits in 1989 as Lorenzo decided hit the big market in US by exporting their products. Driven by profitability potentials, CEMEX originally dumped their cement products in the US market to win out their competitors however their products were issued a trade barrier formalized in countervailing duties of up to 51%. (Harvard excerpt). The next strategic move was to directly invest in the US market through FDI. CEMEX focused on avoiding traffic barriers and hefty transport costs thus acquired plants and facilities in Texas through FDI. This was the start to their cross border activities. The NAFTA (NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE AGREEMENT) reduced tariff costs and furthermore by placing plants ideally close to the demand of the market, they are also able save delivery time. By cutting export time customer satisfaction is increased, as a result, wherever CEMEX decides to operate, their robust company name and reputation becomes a valuable asset in building plants in ideal locations (next to limestone fields). As a result, through FDIs, subsidies, Mergers and Acquisitions, CEMEX were able to benefit from reduced tariffs when it came to exporting their products, and furthermore eliminated hefty transport costs. The elimination of trade barriers and transport costs would be carried out into all firms that CEMEX acquires. CEMEX’s globalization campaign highlights robust financial benefits and hubris within their management system. Through constant foreign investment, they needed to build a modest management system which could be self-developed and applied in all of CEMEX’s facilitations. CEMEX designed a core management system to implement in their new acquisition of firms. They implied the PMI (Project Management International) â€Å"CEMEX Way† which considered being a form of internal benchmarking, setting a core business practices which would be conducted throughout the locations CEMEX did business. By centralizing their management system, firm stations were able to discover talent across the borders and hired some of the most highly skilled and efficient professionals. CEMEX had a separate PMI team congested of highly trained managers specifically to train newly acquired firm managers. Managers, employees were granted a voice of opinion. Hierarchy issues diminished and all ideas were considered valuable. Employee efficiency, coherence, accessibility, collaboration, were the key behaviors of the PMI process. This created cohesion, decisions were sound, quicker and easier. CEMEX was also always open to develop their PMI process as they  would develop new technologies or advantages throughout merges with other firms. Cement as a homogenous product posed limits in enhancing performance however CEMEX clearly constitutes the principle of learning and continuous benefits through the punctuated PMI process in CEMEX Way.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Oedipus: A Tragic Hero or Not? Essay

Oedipus is definitely a tragic hero. In Aristotle’s theory he talks about the ways you become a tragic hero. The first thing that happened to Oedipus is the ‘the reversal of fortune leading up to a final recognition’. In the story this happens man times, When he is a baby he was sent to the mountain to be killed which would be a misfortune. A shepherd comes up to the mountain and saves him by bringing him back to Corinth. Oedipus kills his biological father. Later in life Oedipus solves the riddle of the sphinx and becomes the town hero. The next thing that happens would be when Oedipus finds out that he married his mom and killed his father which was what he was trying to stay away from his whole life. Another trait that a Tragic Hero has is experiences heavy suffering. Oedipus suffers many times in this play. When Oedipus was on top of the mountain his parents put some type of metal pipe in his feet so he could not walk. Oedipus must have felt pain there. Emotional wise when he found out the king and queen of Corinth were not his parents he must have felt pain. When he found out he killed his biological father he must have felt pain and when he found his wife/mother hanging he felt pain. When Oedipus looks back at all the tragedies in his life you can see that he had heavy suffering throughout his entire life. The last thing that can be a characteristic of a tragic hero is when his misfortune is brought about by error of judgement. This also happens a lot in the story Oedipus Rex. The fist error of judgement in my opinion would be when Jocasta and her husband decide to put Oedipus on the mountain instead of killing him right on the spot. If they would have none of this would have happened. Another misfortune by error of judgement would be when he killed  his father. He and his gang of thugs killed the king and most of his men. Why did he have to do it? That death was cause for no real reason accept for money and he could have escaped the prophecy if he would have stopped killing for money. These are the errors of judgement in Oedipus Rex.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Briefing

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Briefing Abstract The City of Detroit, founded in 1701, and incorporated in 1806, is in Wayne County, State of Michigan. Detroit is on an international waterway, which connects by means of the St. Lawrence Seaway to seaports around the world. Existing as the largest city in the State of Michigan, Detroit is notorious for its tradition in automotive and is a colloquialism for the automobile industry in the United States. Detroit is also known for its popular music legacies, which residents celebrate in several familiar nicknames, Motor City, Motown or simply the â€Å"D. In a city, whose population is likely at 951,270, Detroit is also known for its liquor distribution during the prohibition in 1920. Each year, government entities, such as the City of Detroit is required to compile a comprehensive annual financial report, or CAFR, complying with the governmental accounting standards board accounting requirements. Comprehensive annual financial re ports are detailed presentations of an entities financial condition, reporting on annual activities and balances.This official statement also includes a letter of transmittal, manager’s discussion and analysis, and has four sections: Introduction, financial section, statistical section, and compliance section. This briefing will review and discuss the comparison of governmental accounting and profit financial accounting. This briefing will also detail how to understand governmental reporting and reporting entities. Last, this briefing will outline management discussion and analysis reports for the state of Michigan. Comprehensive Annual Financial Report BriefingComparison of Accounting Practices Business reports, to include financial reports often refer to the terms nonprofit or not-for-profit, profit, and for-profit to describe an entity classification. These terms are significant as they determine the types of accounting transaction and activities covering a period. Althoug h accounting practices, and activities are most associated between operations of a business enterprise; those of profit, accounting is not restricted to businesses. It also deals with non-business operations.Government or nonprofit entities accounting, being a separate division of accounting, has various accounting practices of which they operate; however, have the same principles. These practices and principles are different from those of for-profit entities (businesses) such that for-profit entities focus on wealth creation, where governmental entities are budget-driven. Budgets’ are key fiscal documents and is the culmination of the political process. For example, according to â€Å"Comprehensive Annual Financial Report – City Of Detroit† (2010), the City’s 2010 General Fund Budget is $1. 8 billion.The city also reports that this budget is void of additions or material changes to existing taxes (Budget to Actual Comparison– General Fund). In a s imilar manner, businesses rely on annual reports to provide shareholders and other interested parties pertinent information about the entities activities and financial performance. Profit margins prove the financial health of a business, although budgets are internal communications to measure results. The key difference in the reporting for the two classifications is that the budget (nonprofit) is a forward communication, while the annual report (profit) is a historic communication.Government Reporting and Reporting Entity Government reporting entities are made up of organizations of which the government controls. The key point to consider about government reporting agencies is to ascertain which public sector the government controls. Reporting entities are the assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses, and cash flow of a board, department, agency, and fund included in a government financial statement summary. Government entities are often made up of additional nonprofit organization, and for-profit organizations called component units.These units are legal and separate entities where the state is accountable. Exclusion of component units alters the state’s financial statement in such a way that it would present misleading or incomplete (â€Å"Office of Financial Management†, 2012). Just for clarity, according to â€Å"Governmental Accounting Standards Board† (2013), the financial reporting entity consists of (a) the primary government; (b) organizations for which the primary government is financially accountable; and (c) other organizations for which the nature and significance of their elationship with the primary government are such that exclusion would cause the reporting entity's financial statements to be misleading or incomplete (Summary of Statement No. 14 The Financial Reporting Entity (Issued 6/91)). With that in mind, governments are likely to construct separate legal entities to perform governmental duties. For example, the City of Detroit has nine legally separated organizations, which make up their component units.For instance, the Economic Development Corporation, and Museum of African American History are two of the nine component units included in the government reporting Comprehensive Annual Financial Report – City of Detroit. (2010). Considering reporting entities, the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 94 best defines and prescribes the recommended treatment. For example, the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards prescribes that consolidated reporting is the only appropriate method to report. Management Discussion & Analysis (MD)This section of the comprehensive annual financial report is required to summarize an organization’s annual results, providing a managerial opinion on the financials, addressing discussion of risks, comparisons to previous years, and a breakdown of financials according to sections and locations. Management discussion and analysis contains for ward-looking discussion paying close attention to uncertainties and the manager’s perception of opportunities and risks. The manager also highlights factors faced that are out of his or her control.For example, the comprehensive annual financial report: City of Detroit includes in its management discussion and analysis the financial position of the city, with the overview of annual activities ending June 30th 2010. The financial highlights include the government’s net asset totals with explanation of increases or decreases Comprehensive Annual Financial Report – City of Detroit. (2010). Reference(s): Comprehensive Annual Financial Report – City of Detroit. (2010). Retrieved from http://www. detroitmi. gov/†¦ /CAFR/2010%20CAFR%20draft%20122010%.. Copley, P. A. , & Engstrom, J. H. 2011). Essentials of accounting for governmental and not-for-profit organizations (10th ed. ). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Governmental Accounting Standards Board. (2013). Ret rieved from http://www. gasb. org/ Granof, M. H. , & Wardlow, P. S. (2011). Core concepts of government and not-for-profit accounting (2nd ed. ). New York, NY: Wiley & Sons. Office of Financial Management. (2012). Retrieved from http://www. ofm. wa. gov/policy/glossary. asp Wilson, E. R. , Kattellus, S. C. , & Reck, J. L. (2010). Accounting for governmental & nonprofit entities (15th ed. ). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Deadlock Characteristics and Solutions Research Paper

Deadlock Characteristics and Solutions - Research Paper Example When a process cannot change its situation indefinitely due to another waiting process using the same resource, then this leads to a system being in deadlock (Kaveh and Wolfgang). Under normal circumstances, resource allocations in a system undertake the following steps. A process requests a resource and the process is suspended until the resource is available. The process then uses the resource once it has been allocated. Finally, the process releases the resource. A system might have two processes running process-A and process-B namely. The situation above illustrates that Process-A and Process-B are in a deadlock state. Deadlocks have the following assumptions. The process cannot be allocated a resource before it requests for it. Therefore, the order it follows is request then use it and release the resource. A process can also only request more resources than the number of resources available for use by the system. Multiprogramming systems have a resource table than manages resources by showing free and occupied resources being used by processes. It also keeps queues of the processes that are waiting for certain resources. The queues will indicate the time a resource will be released by a process thus making it available for use by other resources. Mutual exclusion occurs when one or at least one of the resource is not sharable. It means that only a few numbers of processes can use the resource at a time. A requesting process has to wait for a resource to be released if it requests the process when it is being used by another process. To illustrate mutual exclusion, Process-A can have an exclusive control of a resource that Process-B needs and vice versa. Process-A and Process-B will block indefinitely while waiting for one process or other processes to free the resource. Mutual exclusion is not restricted to objects in the computer

DRVVT test Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

DRVVT test - Lab Report Example This means that there is the presence of common pathway clotting factors in at least 30% activity. Failure to detect APS could be as a result of mishandling of patient samples. In this case, there could be an introduction of protein contaminants of the same nature thus make it difficult to distinguish APS proteins from the other protein contaminants. Anionic phospholipids serve as strong cofactors required for the gathering of 3 different coagulation complexes when they get exposed on the apical cell membrane surface. These coagulation complexes are the tissue factor-VIIa complex, the Xa-Va complex, and the IXa-VIIIa complex, which participate in blood coagulation. In this way, they are able to enhance the activity of phospholipid-dependent coagulation factors. Vitamin K is an essential contributor in the synthesis of a number of proteins that participate in blood coagulation and also anticoagulation. It is an essential cofactor for a carboxylase enzyme that catalyses the carboxylation of glutamic acid residues found on vitamin K-dependent proteins that participate coagulation. These proteins include prothrombin factors II, VII, IX and X Sources of vitamin K include leafy greens, liver, and cauliflower. Vitamin K is also largely synthesized in the large intestines by bacteria. It is important to note that vitamin K is fat-soluble in nature and that obtained from foods as well as that produce by microbes in the large intestines get absorbed into intestinal lymph together with other

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development Essay - 3

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development - Essay Example The focus is on Leadership.This section is purely theoretical identification and review with proposition(s) proposed (approximate 700 words). Characteristics/attributes associated with entrepreneurship. The emphasis is on that of the business entrepreneur and/or factors that are likely to impact on the entrepreneur and/or the creation of a new venture or venture activities. Typical topics include: motivation, leadership, invention, innovation, and approaches to change, but these are not limited. A critical review of the existing literature in the knowledge field with an in-depth insight, focusing on the selected topical area. Various theories/conceptual perspectives centered on the selected topical area are identified, reviewed, discussed and synthesised. A proposition/propositions being proposed based on literature reviewed. 3. Practical Evidence (15%): Collect information about the entrepreneur focused on the theme you selected in the literature review and review relevant material related to the selected entrepreneur (approximate 850 words). Describe and discuss the process you undertook to collect the secondary data about the chosen business entrepreneur, e.g., mention library, Internet, and any other sources that you consulted. Some appreciation of the limitation of this approach. A detailed description of the business entrepreneur and/or the venture created. This should be based entirely on material (via the secondary research) related to the conceptual material presented in literature review. The description of the identified examples/evidence in practice is focused, reflecting and coherent with appropriate and sufficient evidence to support. 4. Analysis (20%): A synthesis of the material on the selected entrepreneur and the review of the literature. Discussions are to generate insights into the entrepreneur from the theory (approximate 850 words). A focused analysis and synthesis of the material on the selected entrepreneur

Monday, August 26, 2019

Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 23

Report - Essay Example Notably, with regard to the understanding gained from the study, it can be said that dementia is a term used to describe the syndrome where there is a progressive decline in the ability of a person to function in everyday activities, behavior, thinking and memory owing to the unstable condition of the brain. These changes affect the social, psychological and physical life of an individual with regard to career, family and society (WHO, 2012). Though dementia is not a result of ageing, it certainly affects older age individual more than others. According to the report of the World Health Organization, around 35.6 million people have been diagnosed with dementia worldwide in the recent time. The second resource that was taken into consideration is the report regarding Alzheimer’s disease in Australia, which is a complication relevant to dementia (IAGG, 2011). There are many different forms of dementia and each has its own causes. The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease, which accounts for 50% to 70% of dementia cases, which is again followed to as vascular dementia (Fight Alzheimer’s Save Australia, n.d.). Again, Lewy body dementia and Fronto Temporal Lobar Degeneration dementia is other forms or complications relevant to dementia. The resource mainly contains the difference in memory changes amid a person with dementia and an older person. The next resource that has been developed is a brochure regarding Alzheimer’s organization about ‘five simple steps to maximize your bra in health’. The steps include taking care of the heart, physical activity, brain activity, healthy diet and social activity to further stabilize the health of the brain (Australian Indigenous Health, 2013). The fourth resource was published by the National Health Institute, 2010 on the Biological Basis of Behavioral Symptoms in Dementia. It contains both biological and psychological aspects of health. The biological

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Nike Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Nike - Essay Example In the next section, industry analysis has been done to analyze the structure of the industry. It has been found that Nike is facing significant direct and indirect competition however, because of the capabilities of the company; it has been able to improve its business operations. The financial analysis shows a strong financial position of the company. In the last section the business level strategy of the company has been discussed and challenges have been highlighted. Finally, recommendations have been given to improve business strategy. Changing technological trends even in the women’s footwear industry such as designs of women’s footwear are based on woman’s biomechanics such as air bags are designed in consideration to right pounds per square inch Nike’s major competitors include Reebok (domination in women’s aerobics). Adidas appeared as a major competitor of Nike in women’s market because it introduced fashion performance business by introducing fashionable athletic wear. In the Yoga market, Nike faced competition with Puma’s brand Olive. New Balance also appeared as a direct competitor of Nike in women’s market. Nike was leading in women’s running market. In apparel sector, Nike’s major competitors were Reebok and Adidas and company’s shares were very low because of fragmented market structure. Because of changing in competitive market, Nike also faced competition from various other small or large brands like Under Armour, Danskin and Lulu Lemon etc. However, Nike has the advantage that an integrated women fitness service is offered by none of the company. As stated in the case study (2006), in the global branded footwear industry, Adidas acquired Reebok and had the second largest market shares of 34 percent. Nike was the leader in branded footwear industry with 38 percent market shares. The other international footwear brands competing in this industry include Puma, Umbro, Mizuno

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Illegal immigrants in the US Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Illegal immigrants in the US - Essay Example Intellectuals, officials from the government, and policy analysts have attempted to find out the social, economic, and political aftermaths of illegal immigration. Specifically, there has been intense argument on whether illegal immigrants have positive impacts on the American society and whether they should be allowed to live in America or be deported to their countries of orign. Since the matter relates very much to the nation’s politics and economy, it has become a subject of study and debate (Kenney 21). While various studies have shown that to some extent, immigrants are bad for the American nation, others have shown that they are good for the nation. I believe that illegal immigrants do benefit the American nation and they should be allowed to live in the United States because they provide cheap labor, do not get any benefits from the system, it is morally wrong to dport them, deporting illegal immigrants will be very costly, and that the United States was built from imm igrants. Numerous surveys show that a consensus exists amongst scores of policy analysts and economists of the fact that both illegal and legal immigration is beneficial to the economy as gives net boost to the economy, provide cheap labor, broaden the market for goods and services, and reduce the cost of goods and services (West 430). Inarguably, illegal immigrants are good mainly for the labor market as they take up low-paying jobs that American citizens and some legal migrants might not want. They supply labor to industries at a cost that is relatively lower. Since many illegal workers are desperate for work, they are prepared to accept lower pay unlike actual citizens and legal immigrants. This is critical because it assists in the reduction of many industries’ labor costs and hence boosts their effectiveness (Kenny 55). Additionally, they increase consumer demand as they broaden the market for goods and services. This is because they lead to an

Friday, August 23, 2019

Westfailure System by Susan Strange Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Westfailure System by Susan Strange - Essay Example On social sphere, strong connection of social suffering with economic inequality causes wide gap between rich and poor classes, which potentially leads to uprisings. Thus, current power balance in terms of state sovereignty cannot manage all the domestic and global challenges the world faces today. On another hand, Mearsheimer’s ‘E.H.Carr vs. Idealism: The Battle Rages On’ (2005) discusses the role of power from both realist and idealist perspectives. Precisely, the author wants to draw the line and find possible compromise in describing state’s nature between its realist willingness to obtain power and proclaimed liberal ideals. Moreover, the author raises deep concern on neglecting of realist thinkers in contemporary academic circles. Even though states during post-Cold War world justify their actions by idealist rhetoric, Mearsheimer by citing Carr blames them to hide the real power interests behind them. Thus, explaining contemporary states and their be havior on international stage in only liberal terms is the wrong way of understanding global reality.2. State and power arguments in the presented articles and commonalities between themSpecifically, both authors construct their arguments by using concepts of state and power in different environments. In this section, there is a detailed description of the arguments presented in both researches with summarizing commonalities between them.As for Strange, she sees state in the broader context than only through appearance as political entity.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Organization & Operation of International Investment Bank Essay Example for Free

Organization Operation of International Investment Bank Essay Nowadays, banks seem to be springing up in the nooks and corners of every city in every country. The banks are no longer operating globally, in fact most of the big banks have marked their presence in most of the continents and yet they keep on expanding their business. There was a time when banking only meant providing loans to people or keeping their deposits but this is not the case anymore. Many different kinds of banks have sprung up offering diversified financial service that provide clients with investment and insurance products but the major ones are the commercial banks and the investment banks. The banks not only offer services to the customers and make their own money in the process but are in fact a vital part of the economy and its development as well. The purpose of the study is to make an analysis of the role played by investment banks; through their importance will come to light. The study will also be discussed with respect to the working of these bodies internationally. Introduction: The study deals with investment banks it is important to know how these institutions are different from commercial banks. Commercial banks are those institutions which accept deposits, provide business loans, and also offer other relevant services. Besides, they also provide the facility of making a variety of deposits through accounts like checking, time deposits or savings (Harvey, 2004). The purpose of existence of these institutions is to make a profit and the owners are a group of individuals, of whom some may belong to Federal Reserve System. Though the commercial banks provide services to individuals or clients, but their prime concern is to receive deposits and lend to businesses. An investment bank perform a range of tasks including issuance of securities (underwriting), management of portfolios of financial assets, trading securities (stocks and bonds), helping investors in buying securities and providing financial advice and support services; they are also involved in various proprietary functions in the financial markets, where they are their own clients (Lim, 26). It is mainly an intermediary who brings together sellers of stocks and bonds with buyers of the same. It differs mainly from the investment bank in the aspect that it has no inventory of cash deposits unlike a commercial bank. The companies usually use investment banks for achieving the same end as the commercial banks. If capital is required by a company, it may either obtain loan from a commercial bank, or buy equity or debt from investment bank. Commercial banks have availability of funds through depositors unlike an investment bank who, for this reason, have to spend considerable time looking for investors from whom they may obtain capital for clients. Literature Review: In the earlier days, banks were usually restricted to their local place of origin and only a few large ones had their branches in other countries but during the 19th century it was seen that many small banks failed in trying times for the reason that they were dependant on the fluctuations that local trades and industries went through; on the other hand larger banks which had their branches across the border were much secure as the risks were extended across a larger market and a broader range of borrowers. This is what gave rise and added to the popularity of international banking. Banks are involved in a wide range of services including the safe keeping of money and its transmission by different means like checks. At a primarily level, a bank takes the money from the customers and undertakes to repay it when demanded or when a prearranged period expires. But the roles of bank are no longer restricted to taking deposits or providing loans, there has been a great change in the nature of banks and their business has become more complicated over the last 20 years and this can be greatly contributed to the addition of various services pertinent to non-banking areas. This is the reason that major banks have taken control of bodies like merchant banks, estate agencies or hire-purchase companies, and have moved into areas like insurance and leasing (Geoffrey, 38-41). International banks operating overseas often suffer downward rating as seen the course of history that when a countrys creditworthiness is downgraded by international private agencies because of slacking public finances, it is followed by a similar rating of banks issuing shares because they carry large amounts of foreign currency government debt. The reason for this is that debt carries foreign exchange risk since the country is issuing it in a foreign currency thus increasing the probability of default in case the domestic currency depreciates; the countries who issue Eurobonds exercise acceptable sovereign credit ratings which permits them to float, in international markets, foreign currency bonds that have been underwritten by major international investment banks and carry investment grade AAA. Funds from the sale of securities return to banks and then may be invested partly in the provision of loans to the private sector or any other asset which carries a lower risk than that of foreign currency government debt (Shaheen Achkar, 353). A bank should work profitably but by no means it should turn into an organisation that is not trusted by its customers, employees or shareholders. Most of the customers across the globe consider banks with quiet suspicion and at times even with vocal hostility where they are considered evil and not a valued service industry and there is rarely a day when the tabloid press does not expose some apparent banking bungle or scam. Majority of the banks are bent opon extending their branch network and makreting their products. A customer who is anxious to just perform a simple transaction like cashing a cheque, often find himself/herself in the hands of a bank staff trying to make him go for the product of the week. The banks are no longer focused on creating a customer-oriented environment that may attract customers but are following the policy of ‘indiscriminate sell’ which are driving out customers. Merely, expanding the branch network in different countries is not enough unless the bank succeeds in establishing a reputation for loyalty and trustworthiness with its borrowers. There are occasionally times when conflicts arise between the interests of a bank and its borrowers, but the key is to maintain mutual respect. Like the other organizations in service industries, customer satisfaction should lie at the core of a banks culture (John, 27). With respect to working of the investment banks, there is great reliance on analysts. These analysts are essential to the organization and working of investment banks. Because of the servies that they provide and avail, investors depend on analysts to perform a skilled analysis of security valuation, as it is usually the art and science which they are unable to perform themselves. At individual level, these analysts normally give coverage to a group of companies falling within the domain of particular industries. For this reason all major investment banks and even smaller commercial ones have their own teams of analysts who perform essential research on public corporations. These analysts do not contribute directly in generating material revenue for the bank. Instead, their services support two major groups. The first group is of professional and non-professional investors who give commissions to the banks by means of their orders to buy and sell securities. In this domain, what the analyst does is to spend time talking with investors in order to collect orders from them, which are not directly given to them but instead placed through salespeople working in the bank and with whom analysts keep in touch on a daily basis. The other important group in investment bank is the corporate finance department. This department is the vital contributor to revenues and profits earned by banks. The majority of revenue earned by the corporate finance is a result of underwriting and arranging financing (debt and equity) and providing services like mergers and acquisitions (MA) advice to the clients. The role of analysts in Corporate finance lies where they are seeked for the promottion and sale of capital offerings and MA deals to investors (Hayward Boeker, 1-5). In the past, investment banks have earned great benefits because of the high demand for its products and many existing macro trends prevalent in most of the countries. One such example is of disintermediation of traditional capital providers which facilitated the continued developments in the business arena of corporate bond and securitisaties; even on the investment side, there was disintermedation of traditional savings providers like banks or insurance companies, as a result a flood of funds rushed into equity markets which brought the need for execution of advice and transaction; another factor which contributed to the success of investment banks is the globalisation of corporations and investors. Another positive trend was the effort of continued restructuring by corporations and governments so as to achieve global competitiveness and thus requiring advisory services of the investment banks. The reaction of the banking industry to these trends was the decision to organise itself around the organizations that were product-orientated so as to take advantage of the situation. To put it in other words, the former range of services that were offered and product capability was amplified due to increased product demand (Kauffman Howcroft, 214). The international investment banks expanded their network across many countries as result of opportunities that were offered due to structural changes in the economy during the nineties in the form of privatization and ownership reallocation both in the financial and non-financial sectors (Messori 177). The function of international investment banks in terms of the banks’ own business is not awlays and necessarily the desire to be a major force in the retail mortgage market; but sometimes what they are instead aiming for is the building of their securitisation businesses. By expanding into the mortgage space beyond the local arena, a ready supply of new assets for securitisation become accessible to these banks directly, rather than this that they source loans in the secondary market. The benefit of securitising most of the loans of the bank in the mortgage business originates implies that the investment bank is capable of passing the risk of credit along to investors, and not only this but in turn also earning feed by means of arranging the securitisation transactions(Wood 36). An international investment bank often reaps the benefit of geographical co-location in many of the cases. The concept behind geographical co location can be illustrated by means of a ‘local code’ which promotes the idea that the knowledge which is specific to a certain place can be best acquired and utilized by marking your presence at that place. When talking of investment banks’ services, let’s say, its MA advisory service, such transaction requires knowledge that is of a non-cosmopolitan nature, meaning, that the availability of such knowledge is limited, which means that it is pertinent to local market besides being related to the professional knowledge of the international MA community (Schamp et al. 11- 615). Methodology: This research is basic in nature and is done to have a better understanding of the investment banks. The qualitative methodology of research has been used and is based on the use of secondary data, which is one that is gathered from existing data sources and has not been done by the researcher himself. For the purpose of collecting data for this research, articles/journals on the subject have been used. The use of secondary data saves time of doing all the research from a scratch and saves cost due to easily available of databases catering to the need and providing relevant information. The methodology takes effort in identifying the correct data and discarding the irrelevant ones; besides it authenticity may also be questioned at times. Property and validity of data: The data is secondary in nature, and has been obtained through reliable sources like published articles and research journals. The data is valid since it is not obsolete, relevant and authentic. Analysis of findings: Now, we will present an analysis of our findings in light of the literature review. Expansion banking beyond the boundaries:Â  The workings of banks on an international level has not always been the trend, in fact, the banks usually used to be local and work within limited cities and towns but over time, such banks turned out to be unsuccessful and the counted few ones who operated internationally were seen to be making success. thus the banks saw opportunity in expanding their branches and their network as a whole beyond local boundaries. The reason for the success was that when they operated in diverse foreign markets and dealt with diverse borrowers, the risk was no longer linked with a single market only and was thus reduced. Rise of investment banking: The traditional functions of bank were limited to making loans and taking deposits and transferring of funds but this is no longer the case. There are banks now providing non-traditional services like leasing, insurance, mortgages. The investment banks became well versed among the masses as a result of diversification of bank services and of the trends that were prevalent in the economy during the 19th century. These trends among others, included disintermediation of financial services and different restructuring in the economy like privatization or resource allocation among different sectors which facilitated the need for advisory services. Organization of international investment banks: The international investment banks are organized in a manner so as to reap the best benefits from their operation in the international markets. These banks deal with local securities among other things of the countries in which they operate. This provides them with a better understanding of the local market conditions but at the same time, unlike local banks, they are not oblivious of the international markets and can play smartly in both arenas. But the back draw of this international arrangement is often visible in the form of downgraded rating when the foreign country of their operation is going through some sort of economical crisis but even then this downgrading is better than those of the local investment banks who are purely organized around the local financial instruments in their operations. The international investments banks are organized in such a way that only makes them visible in the international domain but also provide them with a supply of new assets thus enabling them to pass the credit risk to investors and also to arrange more transactions. Operation of the international investment banks: In the operation of the international investment banks, trust is a crucial element. Banks seem to be more focused on the expansion of their branch network and sale of their products than on building the customers’ trust. The customers must have the trust that their bank is providing them with the right investment options and that it is equally involved in the risk bore by them; only then can these investment banks operate successfully. The international bank operates through a complicated process but what is important is to know that these banks are dependant to a great degree on their financial analysts. These analysts are not involved in the direct generation of revenue but are in fact the essential elements for providing support to two of the revenue generating bodies, which are the investors and the corporate finance. The analysts spend considerable amount of time with the investors and give them advices regarding the right place to invest in; with respect to the corporate finance department, these analysts support those working with corporate finance department in persuading the clients into letting the bank handle their buying and selling of securities and other needs and in promoting their services by giving the right check and balance. Conclusion:Â  Banking is no longer traditional and the former traditional role lies with the commercial banks; the diverse operations have given rise to the investment banks that have expanded their networks internationally and are making success. By operating globally, the investment banks come to terms with the local market conditions which enable them to have a more in depth insight and thus make wise investment decisions and provide the clients with the right options for decision making; the main personnel involved in their operations are their analysts who provide support to the revenue generating bodies of the bank.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Analyzing Sherman Alexie’s “Superman and me” Essay Example for Free

Analyzing Sherman Alexie’s â€Å"Superman and me† Essay Can reading save a man’s way of life? Can reading save an entire culture? Sherman Alexie, an Indian creative writer writes an essay of which he acquaints us of his means in learning how to read, that is, through a Superman comic book. The essay was written in an alternating first person and third person style of telling. The first person way of telling was for his reflection. Those sentences that were written in the first person were Alexie’s own sentiments. The third person style was for his people. Probably it was meant as an insult since people who normally speak in a third person style are often deemed unintelligent since they cannot follow the rules of language. As the essays retells the experience of the author of how he learned how to read, there is one topic of which he focused, and that is how reading (and how it is connected to education) made a different impact in his way of life which can be very significant or relevant to the modern world today whose kids are taking education for granted. Reading and education Reading is a cognitive process of connecting meaning to a group of words, sentences, and letters. Not many can take the time to discipline themselves into liking and having reading as a habit but over the years reading has become a standard of calling a person or treating a person literate. It has become a mean to elevate one’s status. However, based on Sherman Alexie’s essay, knowing how to read downgrades the status of an Indian person. Indians are treated as the Native Americans. They weren’t treated kindly as the natives of the new world as history tells. They were often treated as the group of people who struggles with the advancement of life. People who are not social. If Indians were compared to animals, the Indians were the wild animals. And according to Alexie’s essay, the ones who stays wild, are the ones who’s status are high in the Indian world. In the modern world today, education has been treated as one of the major concerns of nations. More and more, the value and the quality of education have gone low and people in advance nations and culture are taking it for granted. On the other hand, Alexie and his dad are examples of people who defy the norms of their own society. People who counteracts their culture thus forming a kind a heroic act or in times a crime for/to their own people. I am trying to save our lives. † (Alexie 2). Alexie expressed his sentiment of saving their lives in two styles. One was personal and the other was towards the children he was teaching. While he defied the accustomed treatment of Indians to non-Indian education (i. e. how he had man arguments with his classmates to shut up his mouth towards the questions of the non-Indian teacher), he was hopeful that his people might change their attitude towards education (the reason why he ought to be a teacher among his people). In some ways, education defines how a person hopes for his worth. It is more than the status, it also creating an opportunity for one’s self and knowing how to use education in helping one feel fulfilled.

Cooperative Learning Advantages for English Language Learners

Cooperative Learning Advantages for English Language Learners Cooperative learning is defined as any group learning activity organized in such a way that learning is dependent on the socially structured exchange of academic content as well as other information between the specific group of learners, and whereas each individual learner is accountable for his/her own learning (Tinker-Sachs et al, 2003). Furthermore, Kagan (2002; 1994) states that cooperative learning will ultimately lead to increases in the learning of other members in the group. Kagan posits (2002) that cooperative learning is an excellent teaching strategy that promotes enhanced learning for diverse student populations and is especially beneficial for English language learners. Noyes (2010) further states that English language learners participating in cooperative learning groups not only increase overall understanding of the English language, they also develop deeper understanding of academic content as well as academic language. Continuing research from Cummins (2009) suggest that students with diverse learning abilities, including students with learning disabilities improve their skills through the natural scaffolding strategies found in cooperative learning groups.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Character of Mrs. Ramsay in To The Lighthouse Essay -- To The Ligh

The Character of Mrs. Ramsay in To The Lighthouse Virginia Woolf's novel, To The Lighthouse, is full of symbolism that describes the surroundings and the life of Mrs. Ramsay who is the central character. She helps to bring the world out of chaos and darkness with her positive nature and by being the source of light for the other characters. She is also a peacemaker, beautiful, maternal, and almost divine. Mrs. Ramsay's first word in the novel is "yes" which reflects her affirmative and positive nature. Throughout the novel, her character and spirit is connected to light, which is universally a positive symbol. The other characters associate her with light through implied juxtaposition because she brought positive energy to everybody who knew her. An example is Paul who after being told by Mrs. Ramsay that she believed in him felt his situation was turned around in a better way. "He would go to her and say, "I've done it, Mrs. Ramsay; thanks to you." And so turning into the lane... The house was all lit up, and the lights after darkness made his eyes feel full, and he said to himself childishly, as he walked up the drive, Ughts, lights, lights." (p.78) By being the symbol of light, Mrs. Ramsay also brings things from chaos into order. This can be seen with her desire to be organized. The house was always organized such as if she left a brush or comb on a dressing table, she expected it to still be there the next time she looked for it. (p. 136) The characters' world is filled with chaos, examples being that the setting is during WWI and that the lighthouse was being taken over by nature until Mrs. Ramsay put it back into order. The order that she brought with her contrasts to the disorder that came about af... into stability. Life stand still here, Mrs. Ramsay said. "Mrs. Ramsay! Mrs. Ramsay!" she repeated. She owed it all to her." Another example of Mrs. Ramsay's kindness is when James is on the boat with his father, Mr. Ramsay: "[Mrs. Ramsayl alone spoke the truth; to her alone he could speak it. That was the source of her everlasting attraction for him, perhaps. She was .a person ~ whom one could say what came into one's .head~" (p. 187) She is a person who put others before her. Mrs. Ramsay's character is so divine that it is unreal. She spends most of her time shining the light on for everybody else that she hides her own personal needs to herself. She takes the world out of chaos, but there might have been chaos going on inside of her and nobody knew about it, so they could not help her. Perhaps that was the reason of Mrs. Ramsay's unexpected death.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

Seeing a family member taking medication can be very frightening for an eleven year old child, for me however, it was fascinating to see how a single pill can affect the human body. Ever since, I’ve been intrigued by how something so small could have such an impact on one’s quality of life. Over the past years I developed an interest in the science involved in drug discovery, mechanisms and the effect of drugs on body metabolism. Pursuing a career as a pharmacologist; I feel compelled to contribute to the exciting and ever changing field of pharmacological science that has the power to save someone’s life. Studying chemistry and biology at A-level; I have come to appreciate their value within the context of health. In biology, I am fascinated with how the nervous system behaves in the presence of certain chemical compounds found in existing drugs. An area of study during my A2 chemistry course is ‘what’s in medicine?’ I found this topic thought-provoking as it helped me develop my knowledge of how medicinal drugs are synthesized. Furthermore it aided me to comprehend the effect of ... Essay -- Seeing a family member taking medication can be very frightening for an eleven year old child, for me however, it was fascinating to see how a single pill can affect the human body. Ever since, I’ve been intrigued by how something so small could have such an impact on one’s quality of life. Over the past years I developed an interest in the science involved in drug discovery, mechanisms and the effect of drugs on body metabolism. Pursuing a career as a pharmacologist; I feel compelled to contribute to the exciting and ever changing field of pharmacological science that has the power to save someone’s life. Studying chemistry and biology at A-level; I have come to appreciate their value within the context of health. In biology, I am fascinated with how the nervous system behaves in the presence of certain chemical compounds found in existing drugs. An area of study during my A2 chemistry course is ‘what’s in medicine?’ I found this topic thought-provoking as it helped me develop my knowledge of how medicinal drugs are synthesized. Furthermore it aided me to comprehend the effect of ...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Age of Innocence Essay -- Literary Analysis, Edith Wharton

The book The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton presents a glance into the society of old New York, as seen through the eyes of the main character, Newland Archer. Newland Archer’s character is an interesting one, and it seems to change throughout the story, representing the idea that the rules set by society aren’t always perfect. In the beginning it is said that he does what is expected, is fashionable, and follows the rules set by New York society in which he grew up. However, toward the end of the book, we see changes in his character, reflected in his suggestions or thoughts about doing things that people from the elite New York society wouldn’t consider. Newland Archers follows the rules that have been set to him by the elite New York Society. There are many references to the way that things are and aren’t done, and the importance he places on them. It is stated that â€Å"what was or was not ‘the thing’ played a part as important in Newland Archer’s New York as the inscrutable totem terrors that had ruled the destinies of his forefathers thousands of years ago† (2). This belief in following the rules is also reflected in what Archer thinks of himself, his future wife, and the way he reacts to Countess Olenska’s presence. Archer is someone who is vain, has high self-esteem, a big ego, and believes he is superior. He states that he â€Å"felt himself distinctly superior of these chosen specimens of old New York gentility; he had probably read more, thought more, and even seen a good deal more of the world, than any other man of the number† (4).Archer believed that his wife should  "develop a social tact and readiness of wit enabling her to hold her own with the most popular married women of the ‘younger set,’ in which it was the recog... ...away, and he considers divorcing May so that he could marry Madame Olenska. Newland Archer is a very complex character. Although at first he seems to be the typical male in New York society, we soon see that through Madame Olenska’s influence, he changes the way that he sees the world that he grew up in. He begins to question the rules, routines, and patterns, and begins to understand topics that were once considered taboo and not talked about. Newland Archer seems to have many layers to his personality, and in a way May represents the proper, formal, and routine part of society that he knows so well, and Ellen seems to represent the part of his personality that wishes to be free of all rules and explore the world before him. Ultimately, fate seems to force him back into the rules of society in which he grew up in, showing a pattern that one can’t seem to escape. The Age of Innocence Essay -- Literary Analysis, Edith Wharton The book The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton presents a glance into the society of old New York, as seen through the eyes of the main character, Newland Archer. Newland Archer’s character is an interesting one, and it seems to change throughout the story, representing the idea that the rules set by society aren’t always perfect. In the beginning it is said that he does what is expected, is fashionable, and follows the rules set by New York society in which he grew up. However, toward the end of the book, we see changes in his character, reflected in his suggestions or thoughts about doing things that people from the elite New York society wouldn’t consider. Newland Archers follows the rules that have been set to him by the elite New York Society. There are many references to the way that things are and aren’t done, and the importance he places on them. It is stated that â€Å"what was or was not ‘the thing’ played a part as important in Newland Archer’s New York as the inscrutable totem terrors that had ruled the destinies of his forefathers thousands of years ago† (2). This belief in following the rules is also reflected in what Archer thinks of himself, his future wife, and the way he reacts to Countess Olenska’s presence. Archer is someone who is vain, has high self-esteem, a big ego, and believes he is superior. He states that he â€Å"felt himself distinctly superior of these chosen specimens of old New York gentility; he had probably read more, thought more, and even seen a good deal more of the world, than any other man of the number† (4).Archer believed that his wife should  "develop a social tact and readiness of wit enabling her to hold her own with the most popular married women of the ‘younger set,’ in which it was the recog... ...away, and he considers divorcing May so that he could marry Madame Olenska. Newland Archer is a very complex character. Although at first he seems to be the typical male in New York society, we soon see that through Madame Olenska’s influence, he changes the way that he sees the world that he grew up in. He begins to question the rules, routines, and patterns, and begins to understand topics that were once considered taboo and not talked about. Newland Archer seems to have many layers to his personality, and in a way May represents the proper, formal, and routine part of society that he knows so well, and Ellen seems to represent the part of his personality that wishes to be free of all rules and explore the world before him. Ultimately, fate seems to force him back into the rules of society in which he grew up in, showing a pattern that one can’t seem to escape.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Passing Places and Trainspotting

Passing Places and Transporting. They play I am analyzing Is Passing Places, by Stephen Greenhorn. It is a Scottish play from 1998 which Is set In Motherly. Alongside with this, I will also analyses the movie ‘Transporting', a movie directed by Danny Bayle based on the novel ‘Transporting' by Irvine Welsh. First I will focus on the mall characters In the several works and analyses their development throughout the play and the movie. Afterwards I will compare the play and film, and how they each depict Scotland. In the Scottish play Passing Places, the main characters are the two boys Alex and Brian.Of those two characters, Alex is the one who develops most during the play. In the beginning he is aggressive, angry and tough, and has nothing but hate towards his home-town Motherly: ALEX: Look at this place. Nothing but shoe shops and burger bars. BRIAN: I'm starving. . It shows his feeling of disenchantment with his home-town, but also with his life. It feels Like he needs to leave Motherly, In order to discover what life really Is. HIS life Is full of emptiness, the only relationship he has Is with Brian.Even his relationship with his mum Is poor: ALEX: No. Look. I Just need to go away for a while. Trust me. MUM: About as far as I could throw you. Throughout he changes in a better way. He learns to relax and discovers the better sides of Scotland. He has achieved some kind of tranquility, which perhaps is a result of his meeting with Mirror. Brian is Ale's best friend. He is more clever than Alex, more sensible and more aware of the â€Å"other side† of Scotland. He has a big knowledge of Scotland and is not afraid to bombard Alex with facts during their ride through Scotland.Just as Alex, he is also seeking something besides the walls of Motherly. He knows that there are better things, and uses the stolen surfboard as n excuse to run away from Motherly. On their trip, he meets people who are Just like him. At first It's Loan, but later It's p articularly Frank the Shaper, who makes him realism that there are others like him. They have created a computer program, but also a whole way of life that gives Brian the satisfaction he has been searching for. Bran wants to do the same thing.In the film ‘Transporting', the main character is a young heroin addict living in Elite, called Mark Rent. He has a serious drug habit, and resort to shoplifting and petty theft due to his unemployment: RENT: Choose your future. Choose life†¦ But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin? 3 Mark actually goes to Aberdeen university before the narrative begin, but dropped out and really hit the drugs when his disabled brother dies In hospital.As a person he Is very dreamy, troubled, sharp, and as a viewer you never know where you are with him – he never knows where he Is himself. He actually manag ed to get rid of his heroin addicted, moved to London to start a new life and doing business. But with his old friends. Therefore, he ends pop getting involved in a drug deal and sells 4 kilos of heroin. He then escapes with the money from his â€Å"friends†, which Just shows that he has changed into a better person and has decided to choose life, instead of living in the fast lane.Both works describes the dark sides of Scotland in the beginning, only to end it up by giving the reader/viewer a good impression of Scotland. All three of them aren't really proud of being Scottish when the narrative starts: Mark Rent: It's Shiite being Scottish. We're the lowest of the low! The scum of the bucking earth! 4 Mark expresses clearly that he isn't proud of being Scottish. If you look at Alex and Brian, their way of talking and living can be seen as a result of the town they have been brought pop to. They are, to a certain point, unconcerned about everything.It is clearly illustrated i n scene 29: ALEX: I can't. I can think it but I can't say it. It's Just It's not part of my language, alright? 5 Alex can't say the word beautiful because during his adolescence in Motherly, he hasn't seen any signs of beauty. The director uses, especially Alex, to criticism the modern big cities. The brings up the contrast of beauty in the landscape and ugliness in the towns. ‘Transporting' shows some of the same things, UT of course brings up the problem of the rising usage of drugs in Scotland, mainly in the larger cities.In the film and play alike, the main characters go through a positive development. They go from being troubled and disturbed in the big cities of Scotland, to better human beings when they leave their home-towns. Both the feeling of being Scottish and the Scottish society are criticized. As a reader, you get the impression that the Scottish society is filled with improper practices and an ascending drug abuse. In order to discover the beauty of Scotland or to live life, you have to move to landscapes or even another country.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Filipino women writers Essay

Maramag was a poet, newspaperman, and editor of the Manila Tribune. He was born in Ilagan, Isabela, on January 21,1893. He was educated at Isabela High School, Philippine Normal School, and the University of the Philippines. Many of his poems were published in various newspaper. Some of his more famous poems were : â€Å"A Christ without the Cross,† â€Å"The Atheist,† â€Å"Jose Rizal,† â€Å"Christmas,† and â€Å"Moonlight on Manila Bay. † One of his earlier poems was â€Å"The Rural Maid. † Maramag was editor of the Tribune when he died on October 23, 1936. A veteran newspaperman, he was considered one of the most brillant writers in English during his day. Thy glance, sweet maid, when first we met, Has left a heart that aches for thee, I feel the pain of fond regret — Thy heart, perchance, is not for me. We parted : though we met no more, My dreams are dreams of thee, fair maid; I think of thee, my thoughts implore The hours my lips on thine arelaid. Forgive these words that love impart, And pleading, bare the poet’s breast; And if a rose with thorns thou art, Yet on my breast that rose may rest. I know not what to name thy charms, Thou art half human, half divine; But if I could hold thee in my arms, I know both heaven and earth were mine. Questions: 1. What mood is created in the first stanza? 2. Why is the word dreams repeated? 3. Explain the rose symbol in the poem. 4. How is the emotion of love described? 5. Evaluate the poem. THE SPOUSE Luis G. Dato Mr. Dato was born in Camarines Sur in 1906. As a student he became interested in poetry. His first book, Filipino Poetry was published in 1924 and is considered the first anthology of Filipino poems in English. He published his own poems in Manila : A Collection of Verses (1926). He preferred the classical tradition and his favorite form was the sonnet. The smooth rhythm of his verse is similar to Longfellow’s poetry. In 1936 Mr. Dato published My Book of Verses. Jose Garcia Villa has included two of his poems, â€Å"Day on the Farm† and â€Å"The Spouse,† in A Doveglion Book of Philippine Poetry (1962). Rose in her hand, and moist eyes young with weeping, She stands upon the threshold of her house, Fragrant with scent that wakens love from sleeping, She looks far down to where her husband plows. Her hair disheveled in the night of passion, Her warm limbs humid with the sacred strife, What may she know but man and woman fashion, Out of the clay of wrath and sorrow, Life? She holds no joys beyond the day’s tomorrow, She finds no worlds beyond his arm’s embrace,  She looks upon the Form behind the furrow, Who is her Mind, her Motion, Time and Space. Oh, somber mystery of eyes unspeaking, And dark enigma of Life’s loves forlorn, The sphinx beside the river smiles with seeking, The secret answer since the world was born. Questions: 1. Describe the setting and the mood of the poem. 2. What words in the second stanza reflect the author’s view of life? 3. Explain the line, â€Å"Who is her Mind, her Motion, Time and Space†. 4. Who is the sphinx beside the river? 5. What is the author’s purpose in the poem? RAIN M. de Gracia Concepcion Marcelo de Gracia Conception was born in Santa Maria, Ilocos Sur. He served with the United States Navy during the first World War. After the war, he spent a summer in the Alaskan fisheries. Then he attended the University of California, studying first to be a lawyer and then to be a writer. While studying, he supported himself by being a dishwasher, postal clerk, and newspaper reporter. In 1925, Azucena, the book of poems which won him fame, was published. These mystical poems reveal the spiritual emotions of the poet as he looks upon the universe. In 1932 he published another collection of poems in Bamboo Flute. At the time of his death, he was doing a minor role in a Hollywood movie. After the rain, darkness lifts to luminous acres of space above— and earth’s sweet scents breathe anew. Questions: 1. What feeling is created by the poem? 2. What senses does the poet appeal to? 3. What is the mood of the authors? 4. Is the poem realistic? Explain. 5. Evaluate the poem. Give your insights. LONELY M. de Gracia Concepcion I sit alone, Thinking sharp thoughts and as warmless as the glacial sun. I sit alone like a frozen rock left and embedded deep in glacial rivers— lonely. Questions: 1. What mood is created by this poem? 2. What images suggest this mood? 3. What words indicate this mood? 4.  What other words or images could you use to suggest the same mood? 5. Evaluate the poem. Give your insight. 1896 (CRY FREEDOM) Aurelio S. Alvero Aurelio S. Alvero is a famous writer here in the Philippines . He noted that Magtanggol ASA emblem. He initiated the translation into Tagalog of the law Military . He was a poet, orator, teacher, lawyer and leader. The cry awoke Balintawak And the echoes answered back: â€Å"FREEDOM! † All the four winds listened long, To the shrieking of that song. Every poet struck his lyre, With those burning notes of fire. All the women knelt to pray,In their hearts that frenzied lay. Even the children and the old, Took to arms and shouted bold, â€Å"FREEDOM! † I heard it from the planters in the vales, I heard it from the traders tying bales, I heard it where the fishers strike their sales, I heard it where the huskers ‘neath the trees, I heard it from the divers of the seas, I heard it from the pounders in the leas. All the people raised the cry, Fearing not to bleed or die, All the tombs of slave & sire, Broke to voice that great desire, Up the mountain, down the plain Louder, louder rang the strain. â€Å"FREEDOM! † I heard it from the makers of the brooms, I heard it from the weavers at their looms,  I heard it from the smoking smithy rooms, I heard it in the farthest islet shore. We heard it, and shall hear it evermore. â€Å"FREEDOM! â€Å" Questions: 1. What is the mood of the writer? 2. What is the theme of the poem? 3. Why is the author write this kind of poem? 4. How will you interpret this? 5. Give the messsage of the poem. LIKE THE MOLAVE Rafael Zulueta da Costa Rafael Zulueta da Costa (born 1915) is a Filipino poet. He uses the name R. Zulueta da Costa as a writer, and Rafael Zulueta as a businessman. He was a graduate of De La Salle College (now University) where he specialized in business administration. He began writing poems in Spanish and later he also wrote in English. His most famous work is Like the Molave and Other Poems, which won the Commonwealth Literary Award for Poetry in 1940. Not yet, Rizal, not yet. Sleep not in peace: There are a thousand waters to be spanned; There are a thousand mountains to be crossed; There are a thousand crosses to be borne. Our shoulders are not strong; our sinews are Grown flaccid with dependence, smug with ease Under another’s wing. Rest not in peace; Not yet, Rizal, not yet. The land has need Of young blood-and, what younger than your own, Forever spilled in the great name of freedom,  Forever oblate on the altar of The free? Not you alone, Rizal. O souls And spirits of the martyred brave, arise! Arise and scour the land! Shed once again Your willing blood! Infuse the vibrant red Into our thin anaemic veins; until We pick up your Promethean tools and, strong, Out of the depthless matrix of your of your faith In us, and on the silent cliffs of freedom, We carve for all time your marmoreal dream! Until our people, seeing, are become Like the molave, firm, resilent, staunch, Rising on the hillside, unafraid, Strong in its own fibre, yes, like the molave! Questions: 1. What is the mood of the author? 2. Who do you think is talking about the poem like a MOLAVE? 3. Why is the author writes this poem? what is his purpose? 4. What is your interpretation about the poem? 5. How this poem affects the readers? PROEM Jose Garcia Villa Mr. Villa has won international fame as a short story writer and poet. He was born in Manila in 1906. He studied in the public schools and at the University of the Philippines. His controversial poem â€Å"Man Songs† caused his expulsion from the University of the Philippines in 1929. He finished B. A in 1932 at the University of New Mexico, and he completed his M. A at Columbia University. In 1961 he received the Pro Patria Award. The next year he won the Republic Cultural Heritage Award for his Poems 55 and Selected Stories. On June 12, 1973, Mr. Villa received the National Artist award for his many literary accomplishments. The meaning of a poem is not a meaning of words. The meaning of a poem is a symbol like the breathlessness of birds. A poem cannot be repeated in paraphrase. A poem is not a thought but a grace. A poem has no meaning but loveliness. A poem has no purpose than to caress. Questions: 1. What is the meaning of the title? 2. What qualities do the author give to a poem? 3. Will you give other qualities should the poem have? 4. What line do you like the most? Why? 5. What do you think is the reason why the author write this kind of poem? THE SEA Natividad Marquez Why does the sea laugh, Mother, As it glints beneath the sun? It is thinking of the joys, my child, That it wishes every one. Why does the sea sob so, Mother, As it breaks on the rocky shore? It recalls the sorrows of the world. And weeps forevermore. Why is the sea so peaceful, Mother, As if it were fast asleep? It would give our tired hearts, dearest child, The comfort of the deep. Questions: 1. What is the theme of the poem? 2. Why do you think the author choose the title â€Å"The Sea†? 3. What is the style use by the author? 4. Why does the speaker said that â€Å"Why the sea smile? † Is this realistic? 5. What is the message of the poem? TO A LOST ONE Angela Manalang-Gloria Angela Manalang-Gloria (1907–1995) was a Filipina poet in the English language. Angela Caridad Legaspi Manalang was born on August 2, 1907 in Guagua, Pampanga to parents, Felipe Dizon Manalang and Tomasa Legaspi. However, their family later settled in the Bicol region, particularly in Albay. Caring—as she is fondly called—studied at St.  Agnes Academy in Legaspi, where she graduated valedictorian in elementary. In her senior year, she moved to St. Scholastica’s College in Malate, Manila, where her writing started to get noticed. Angela Manalang was among the first generation female students at the University of the Philippines. Angela initially enrolled in law, as suggested by her father. However, with the advice of her professor C. V. Wickers, who also became her mentor, she eventually transferred to literature. It was also during her education at the University of the Philippines that she and poet, Jose Garcia Villa developed a life-long rivalry. Both poets vied for the position of literary editor of The Philippine Collegian, which Manalang eventually held for two successive years. After graduation, Manalang-Gloria worked briefly for the Philippine Herald Mid-Week Magazine. She was the author of Revolt from Hymen, a poem protesting against marital rape, which caused her denial by an all-male jury from winning the Philippine’s Commonwealth Literary Awards in 1940. She was also the author of the poetry collection, Poems, first published in 1940 (and revised in 1950). I shall haunt you, O my lost one, as the twilight Haunts a grieving bamboo trail,  And your dreams will linger strangely with the music Of a phantom lover’s tale You shall not forget, for I am past forgetting I shall come to you again With the starlight, and the scent of wild champakas, And the melody of rain. You shall not forget. Dusk will peer into your Window, tragic-eyed and still. And unbidden startle you into remembrance with its hand upon the still. Questions: 1. Who is the lost one? 2. What mood is created in the first stanza? 3. Explain: â€Å"You shall not forget, for I am past forgetting†. 4. What flower use by the author? Why this flower use? 5. How is the emotion of love described? 6. Evaluate the poem. PRAYER OF A STUDENT Trinidad L. Tarrosa-Subido Trinidad Tarrosa-Subido was a Filipino linguist and poet she born in Socorro oriental Mindoro, where her father worked as a star . After her father’s death, she and her mother returned to Manila in 1917. She graduated from Manila East High School, and in 1929, she took the civil service examination in order to work in the Bureau of Education, and passed it with a grade of 97 percent, the highest then on record. She enrolled as a working student at the University of the Philippines at Padre Faura (commonly known as UP Manila) in 1932 and met her husband Abelardo Subido. She became a member of the UP Writers Club and contributed her sonnets. In 1945, she and her husband published poems titled Two Voices, with an introduction by Salvador P. Lopez. After the war, the Subidos put up a daily newspaper, The Manila Post, which closed in 1947 and made her a freelance writer. She then became editor of Kislap-Graphic and Philippine Home Economics Journal. She retired in 1971, and in 1984, she was invited by the Women in Media Now to write the introduction to Filipina I, the first anthology consisting of works made exclusively by Filipino women. She was honored in 1991 by the Unyon ng Mga Manunulat sa Pilipinas (UMPIL). She died in 1994. To learn, dear Lord, about these em’rald leaves, These tendered-petalled blosssoms laved in dew. From where they came, and how and why they lived; Or yet to know why ocean waters lash Their atomed selves against the granite rocks That senseless lie along the shores; to know Why rainbows fling their ribboned souls athwart The eastern skies when sunrays flick the west; Why lightning furies rage when storm winds still The thunder echoes hurtling through the dark; To learn about the earth, about the moon,  The sun and lesser stars and other worlds That span the cerulescent firmament. To learn great facts about the little things And then, while knowing these, not to unlearn- Never, O God, to unlearn the child-learned truth That thou art in reality the source, The Why, the How, the Wherefore, of all things. Questions: 1. Why is the poem entitling â€Å"The Prayer of the Students†? 2. What do you think is the purpose of this poem? 3. How the author writes this kind of poem? What style did she use? 4. Discuss the mood of the whole poem. 5. For who is this poem dedicated? 6. Give your insight about this poem.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Bless Me Ultima Theme Analysis Essay

Chinua Achebe and Rudolfo Anaya write stories about two people that must over come struggles and difficulties in life. The characters in both stories must overcome internal and external conflict. A theme expressed in both stories is that everyone has conflicted and struggles in their life but they must overcome and make the best of the situation. This theme is expressed through character thoughts, symbolism and character experiences. In Anaya’s story, Bless Me Ultima, the main character, Antonio must over come many different obstacles, in one summer. Throughout Antonio’s summer he experiences death everywhere, he experiences the death of a stranger, family friend, and 2 close friends, but some how through it all he stays strong. He witnesses the death of a dear friend, â€Å" the lonely river was a sad place to be when one is a small boy who has just seen a friend die† (Anaya, 231). Antonio wintness the death of someone from town, Lupito, although he did not really know the man, witnessing the death of anyone can be saddening, â€Å" I saw Lupito lifted off his feet and hurled backwards by the bullets. (Anaya 20) Not only did Antonio have to say goodbye to the people who died, shortly after his brothers returned from war, they were gone again, â€Å"I wondered if I would ever really know my brothers, or would the remain but phantoms of my dream. † ( Anya, 178) Although Antonio was not a smiling laughing child through the course of the story, he did remain positive and continued moving forward. In Achebe’s short story Civil Peace, the main character Jonathan Iwegbu and his family go through a devastating 3 year war, however he continues to stay strong, this shows through comparisons and symbolism. Instead of the character being depressed and whoa it is me, he is thankful and feels he is blessed, â€Å"He had come of the war with five inestimable blessings- his head, his wife Maria’s head, and the head of the three of their four children. † (Achebe, 358) Things we take forgranted in America Jonathan considered them miracles. â€Å"As a bonus he also has his old bicycle- a miracle too†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Achebe, 359) Another example, â€Å"the newest miracle was his little house in Ogui Overside†¦..  Of course the doors and windows were missing and five sheets of the roof† (Achebe 359). Rusted bike, and damaged house, these our things many people would be disappointed to have, Jonathan is just grateful to have anything, with everything he has been through, he finds the better side of the situation. The thoughts and words of both characters is clear evidence of perseverance and determination to continue moving forward. â€Å" Let it go where everything el se has gone. Nothing puzzles God† (Achebe, 364). Jonathan says this after the robbers come to his house, he is saying that let them take the money, more was taken in the war, and that God knows what he is doing. Even after all the money he has worked hard for is taken Jonathan still does not get down on himself, like Antonio. â€Å"The rest of the summer was good for me, good in a sense that is was filled with its richness and I made strength from everything that had happened to me, so that in the end even the final tragedy could not defeat me† (Anaya, 237). This though Antonio had sums up the theme of both stories all in one. Both characters will take what the world throws at them and use it to make them stronger, and they will continue to live. These stories were both straightforward and easy to keep up with, but they had deeper meanings within the story. There wasn’t only the one theme I have described for you, but many other ones. However the theme that popped out at me, was basically what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. Which is No matter what people go through they must find the strength within to persevere and continue living their life.

Zombie Essay for Anthropology

The first article is a medical study of the Haitian Zombie which is the culture that originated the concept of the walking dead. Basically the African slaves worshiped numerous Gods and the Spanish Catholic Priests attempted to impose the European Christianity on the slaves in the Caribbean. Voodoo was hidden in the Catholic religion for centuries. Voodoo believes in being in tune with your environment. If you are Ill there are two possibilities. One Is you are out of whack with nature and a Voodoo priest or priestess can get you back In harmony. Two Is someone Is attacking you magically.Then you hire a Voodoo priest or priestess to stop the attacks. In Halt here are over 1,000 listed Zombie possessions a year. For a poor society with few medical doctors the Voodoo priest also acts as doctor to the sick. So where do Zombies enter into this equation. Some Voodoo practitioners are aligned with the dark side. They produce a neurotic that kills you; then after a week or so a person comes back to life of a sort. The reanimated person has very limited mental functions and basically becomes a servant to someone being capable of menial tasks.In Haiti there are approximately 1000 charges of relatives becoming zombies registered with the police. In 1997 there was a medical study in the Lancet journal concerning three people that were Identified as zombies after they had passed away. Their relatives insisted these two women and a man were family members who had died years before. The two doctors did full medical examinations Including Eggs and CT brain scans. Two of the three were Identified as cases of mistaken identity by finger prints and DNA testing. The three individuals were found to not be zombies but people with medical problems.One was catatonic schizophrenia, one was found to have serious brain damage due to epilepsy and the hire was probably related to fetal alcohol poisoning. (Foot note to a medical study of the Haitian zombie). The first pictures of a Zombie were taken by Zorn Neal Hurst in her 1938 book Voodoo Gods. The neurotic was identified by Anthropologist Wade Davis as a neurotic found in puffer fish. Other powders that were identified had several different substances In them Including puffer fish toxin and toxins from various tree frogs.Over time the compliant Zombie concept has evolved Into one where the ravenous zombie who has a taste for brains, welcome to Hollywood or Holly weird. Zombies eave Joined the fascination with various other undead characters like mummies, skeletons, ghouls, and vampires (footnote to the American Fascination article). Breaks. Some like the Resident Evil series are science experiments gone wrong, and with each new movie the Zombies have new attributes to make them scarier. They are bigger or stronger or smarter.Then World War Z has the dreaded fast zombie which means there is no escape. We all have seen the tee shirt . The movie Firefly puts Zombies in Outer Space in the future. The basis for all th ese were governments doing hidden experimentations that got away from the guards. Who isn't scared of a government who wants to control their constituents? Also another new factor is the Zombie who can organize and their primary purpose is to remove humans from existence, such as in the Will Smith movie I Am Legend.So society breaks down and the army is not there to save you, it is very much a run and hide universe; where you have to save yourself. The television show The Walking Dead shows how Americans love to be scared while at the same time want a chance to escape or fight the opponents. But Combinable shows that the Zombie apocalypse movie can also have a sense of humor. But the primary reason for Zombie movies is worldwide people like to be scared, and generally by something they know realistically really cannot exist.So you can be scared but have no real problem with sleepless nights. So what are the two scariest things about zombie evolution? The fast Zombies climbing over t he Jerusalem walls in World War Z, and animals becoming Zombies like those Doberman Pincher's in I Am Legend. Speed kills and then animals can also become Zombies. So from my anthropological perspective I see the Undead are evolving, at least in Hollywood. I wonder what Darwin would think of Zombies. I chose this Blob because I enjoy Zombie movies though I am not really interested in being part of the Zombie apocalypse.You run out of food, gas, ammunition, and toilet paper none of which seems like a lot of fun to me. Also it is interesting to me that studying Zombies is a subject that anthropologists have been interested in for close to 100 years. At some colleges you can take a class (foot note to that sheet on Anthropology 3313 about Zombies). But something to remember is how much a small, very poor country like Haiti is responsible with having a lot of influence on the US movie industry. Which has spread over the globe.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Chapter 10 Of Patterns Of World History Essay -- Islam, Muhammad, Quran

The Prophet Muhammad is revered by many as the founder of Islam. As von Sivers, Desnoyers and Stow infer, the Quran and Sunna both depict a theology of Mecca and Medina (Yathrib) as the sacred cities where Mohamed would preach the God’s word to pagans (280). Muhammad’s new Religion Islam became an Arab religion that did not recognize the teaching of Judaism and Christianity (von Sivers, Desnoyers, and Stow 280). Islam is distinct from all other religions due to five religious duties that identify Muslims, the profession of faith, prayer, fasting, alms-giving, and pilgrimage to Mecca (von Sivers, Desnoyers, and Stow 281). Establishing a new religion was not a seamless process as Muhammad had to overcome before a community of Muslims that were mandated to engage in a holy struggle or jihad against those who believe in other Gods (von Sivers Desnoyers and Stow 280). What resulted was the spread of Islam throughout the Middle East as Muhammad’s successors conquered A rabia, Islam and Arab empires were a crucial component in the developments of Islamic Civilizations and Byzantium that were covered in Chapter 10 Patterns of World History, Volume One. The religion of Islam was brought to pagan Arabia by the Prophet Muhammed who spread the word of Allah to Arabs in Mecca and Yathrib. Islam grew to a point where a rift grew among Muslims forming the Sunni and Shiite sects. First came the Umayyad empire and then the Abbasids, representing the first major Arab empires, however their approach to Islam and Conquest differed were significantly different. The final point was the differences between the Russian version of Vladimir I’s conversion to Christianity on behalf of Russians and the Muslim account. In the end, the development of Islam and Arab empires unified the Arab world and began to wield increasing power over European and Asian empires.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Health Care Systems of Singapore and United States Essay

Health Care Systems of Singapore and United States - Essay Example The WHO Report revealed that U.S health system spends a higher portion of its Gross Domestic Product than any other country of the 191 countries. The report ranked U.S at position 37 according to its health care performance. Bureau report of 2006 revealed that 15.8 percent of citizens had no insurance cover. This represented an approximate of 47 million people (DeNavas-Walt et al, 2007:27). This paper compares the health care systems of United States and Singapore. It will look at the organisation, funding, regulation, and quality. Organisation The organisation of the health care system in United States and Singapore differs markedly. To start with, the structure of the health care systems in Singapore encourages her citizens to take responsibilities for their well-being. Singapore health care system comprises of both private and public hospitals. The organisation of health care system embraces three central components of the health care that include Medisave, Medishield, and Medifun d. Medislave is a compulsory saving plan while Medishield is a low cost, catastrophic health insurance scheme while Medifund is a welfare scheme. The three accounts augment government’s system of subsidies for health care. ... The polyclinics account 20 percent of the primary health care provision while the private sector captures 80 percent. However, the public health care accounts for 80 percent while that of private health care is 20 percent in the expensive hospital care (Usa, 2009:111). The structure of health care system in United States is very different from that of Singapore. The health system in United States are very fragmented and decentralised. The health care system concentrate on making profits and patients pay for all health care services. Although the government of United States invests many funds in the health care system, the outcomes are dismal. The organisation of health system in United States embraces private and public insurers in the health care system. The health insurance systems include the Medicaid and Medicare (Barr, 2011:14). The Medicare program, which the government of United State oversees, caters for the elderly and disabled people. The payroll taxes and federal revenues and premiums finance the Medicare insurance. On the other hand, Medicaid covers the low-income earners and the disabled. The federal law dictates that Medicaid should insure parents, disabled, poor pregnant women, and the aged people only. This program is under the State and the District of Columbia. This insurance covers about 13 percent of the American people that makes about 20 percent of total health care spending (Barr, 2011:166). In addition to the public Medicare and Medicaid, United States has private insurance system. This cover caters for 58 percent of the American population amounting to 33 percent of the total spending of health expenditure (Niles,

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Lesson Plan to Comprehend the First Law of Newton Assignment

Lesson Plan to Comprehend the First Law of Newton - Assignment Example The language needs to be of a Middle School level, with the emphasis being laid on the explanation and usage of technical and scientific terms, like Inertia and Velocity. Sentences that define the key concepts must be written, and finally must lead to the law itself. Later, examples can also be illustrated. Charts and pictorial depictions of the law can be used. Besides this, an action of the real-life depiction can be done in class by getting groups of students to enact each example. This way, it drives home the concept, while also promoting team-building and bonding. The content must not be perceived from the sole purpose of explaining the law. It must invoke a genuine interest to learn about Newton. Besides this, the very pertinence of this law in day-to-day activities can help stress on the amalgamation of reality and science, and a confluence of the two. Thus, the preparation for the instruction of this class, must ... Besides this, the very pertinence of this law in day-to-day activities can help stress on the amalgamation of reality and science, and a confluence of the two. Thus, the preparation for the instruction of this class must involve the proper portrayal of Newton and his laws. The first law must be explained with the help of key concepts. Then, real-life examples must be used to help students comprehend the concept clearly. Finally, the  active representation of the law can be portrayed in class.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

A report on a research topic linked to the BP share price Essay

A report on a research topic linked to the BP share price - Essay Example The reason for this fluctuation is elaborated in the report by considering each year’s share price performance. The raw data available regarding the share price of BP is divided into three parts, considering five years and four years intervals. The data is analysed in order to study the movement of share price during the periods, along with operation of the company. The technical analysis in form of graphical representation of raw data is employed in order to examine movement of shares over the years. The report highlights the main aim of the study, along with three research questions, which describes the aim. Lastly, the report ends with a conclusion and recommendations pertaining to performance of the share price of BP. Before undertaking a research, realizing the research aim is very important so as to define what the researcher desires to find out. However, the research objective describes the process, which will help in achieving the proposed aim. The main aim of the study is to examine performance of the share prices of BP PLC, over the period of 2000-2013. Share price movement is observed in order to draw a conclusion on performance of the company over the years. In order to find answers to the abovementioned research questions, technical analysis has been employed. Technical analysis refers to forecast of financial price movements in the future based on the past data available for a particular stock. The price actions are studied in order to get a clear picture of movement in share prices. The technical analysis helps to determine the share price trend as bullish or bearish and accordingly, future movement of the share is established. It helps to invest money in trade since the analysis provides an idea regarding trend of the market. The movement in share prices is described in form of graphical representation by dividing the raw price data of BP shares into three parts; considering the interval to be 5 - 5 - 4

Case study report Statistics Project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Case study report - Statistics Project Example   This paper will review some of the key elements of the law. These elements include: Since the enactment of the proposition 209, diversity in Californian schools has marginally decreased and the amendment is aimed at increasing cultural diversity in Californias higher education institutions. A key analysis of the topic, however, indicates that there is a possibility that the introduction of the act would not only hinder the progress and development of diversity in Californian institutions, but also would primarily motivate racial profiling in the public school system. Regardless, this does not automatically make Proposition 209 more appropriate than SCA5. Even so, it shows that the policy has been effective and as such, there is no need to eradicate it completely from the system.    The first reason why the amendment would not be introduced effectively into the system is the consideration of the various changes that have taken place since the enactment of the Proposition 209, that hindered all Californian offices, schools and employment opportunities from considering race, sex, gender and age when selecting people. Currently, several universities around the country practice the affirmative action clause proposed by the amendment, but these same universities have not violated the Equal Protection Rights (Joe Gardner’s State Assembly, 2014).    The blacks, the Hispanics and the Asian-Americans are the worst affected if the bill is passed. Primarily, the racial profiling or preference in the selection, according to the proposing parties, would allow schools to slowly select and promote an equal selection criterion if properly enforced. The enactment of the policy, which directly opposes the Proposition 209, which was enacted in 1996 and which has been a little fruitful now. Most people fail to see the reason

Friday, August 9, 2019

Worst Management Team Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Worst Management Team - Term Paper Example There can either be a single large team in an organization or there can be several small teams, depending on the nature and type of organization. However, the function of all such management teams is to play their role in the progress of the company, thereby, contributing towards its success. One such management team also existed at Lehman Brothers Holding Inc, which used to be an international financial services organization, also the fourth biggest investment bank of the United States of America dealing in investment banking along with private banking, equity, research, returns trading and investment management. In my opinion, the management team of the Lehman Brothers during the 2006-08 periods is the worst management team ever to have functioned in the history. This is because in this firm, greatest quantity of capital was demolished in the shortest amount of time. In a dramatic manner, the firm underwent the largest bankruptcy in the history of United States, with its stocks plu mmeting drastically, customers opting their way out and assets being heavily undervalued by the official credit rating groups of that time. Finally, a significant portion of the company was bought by Barclays in September 2008 (Summe, 2011). Lehman Brothers was mutually established by the three brothers, Henry Lehman, Emanuel Lehman and Mayer Lehman. Since its foundation, it was considered to be a very reputable institution in which people used to place trust. With the passage of time, the popularity of the firm increased tremendously and it became one of the most reliable financial service companies in the United States, with the launch of its various subsidiaries such as Aurora Loan Services, Crossroad Groups, etc. Since 1993, the company was being led by Richard S. Fuld, Jr, who can be construed as a typical traditional leader with a top down command and control approach. He used to be very daunting in his demeanor and often commanded respect and devotion from his employees on th e basis of power. He had a large management team along with him comprising of senior managers and board of directors who always aided him in forming corporate level policies, core business strategies and decision making. Up till 2007, this team did reasonably well as far as the monetary records are concerned. The company even reported a staggering $4.2 billion profit in the year 2007. However, the consequences of following a superficial policy based on narrow scope and risky business were soon revealed when the company suffered the biggest financial turmoil of USA’s history which also triggered the late 2000’s recession. The responsibility of this crisis which resulted in the destruction of one of the most established names in the world of international finance lies directly on the management team of Lehman Brothers which consisted of several heavyweights. This management team was headed by a very impolite and fiery Chairman and CEO, Richard S. Fuld, Jr (Birkinshaw, 20 10). The other members of the management team were : â€Å"Riccardo Banchetti - Co-Chief Executive Officer of the Middle east and Europe regions; Jasjit S. Bhattal – Chief Executive Officer of Asia-Pacific region; Gearld A.Donini – Global Head of Equities; Eric Felder – Global Co-Head of fixed income; Scott J. Freidheim – Co-Chief Administrative Officer; Michael Gelband – Global Head of Capital Markets; David Goldfarb - Chief Strategy Officer; Alex Kirk – Global Head of Principal Investing; Hyung S. Lee – Global Co-Head of Fixed Income; Stephen M.Lessing – Head of Client Relationship Management; Ian T. Lowitt – Chief Financial Officer and Co-Chief Administrative Officer; Herbert H.McDade III –