Friday, August 16, 2019

Filipino women writers Essay

Maramag was a poet, newspaperman, and editor of the Manila Tribune. He was born in Ilagan, Isabela, on January 21,1893. He was educated at Isabela High School, Philippine Normal School, and the University of the Philippines. Many of his poems were published in various newspaper. Some of his more famous poems were : â€Å"A Christ without the Cross,† â€Å"The Atheist,† â€Å"Jose Rizal,† â€Å"Christmas,† and â€Å"Moonlight on Manila Bay. † One of his earlier poems was â€Å"The Rural Maid. † Maramag was editor of the Tribune when he died on October 23, 1936. A veteran newspaperman, he was considered one of the most brillant writers in English during his day. Thy glance, sweet maid, when first we met, Has left a heart that aches for thee, I feel the pain of fond regret — Thy heart, perchance, is not for me. We parted : though we met no more, My dreams are dreams of thee, fair maid; I think of thee, my thoughts implore The hours my lips on thine arelaid. Forgive these words that love impart, And pleading, bare the poet’s breast; And if a rose with thorns thou art, Yet on my breast that rose may rest. I know not what to name thy charms, Thou art half human, half divine; But if I could hold thee in my arms, I know both heaven and earth were mine. Questions: 1. What mood is created in the first stanza? 2. Why is the word dreams repeated? 3. Explain the rose symbol in the poem. 4. How is the emotion of love described? 5. Evaluate the poem. THE SPOUSE Luis G. Dato Mr. Dato was born in Camarines Sur in 1906. As a student he became interested in poetry. His first book, Filipino Poetry was published in 1924 and is considered the first anthology of Filipino poems in English. He published his own poems in Manila : A Collection of Verses (1926). He preferred the classical tradition and his favorite form was the sonnet. The smooth rhythm of his verse is similar to Longfellow’s poetry. In 1936 Mr. Dato published My Book of Verses. Jose Garcia Villa has included two of his poems, â€Å"Day on the Farm† and â€Å"The Spouse,† in A Doveglion Book of Philippine Poetry (1962). Rose in her hand, and moist eyes young with weeping, She stands upon the threshold of her house, Fragrant with scent that wakens love from sleeping, She looks far down to where her husband plows. Her hair disheveled in the night of passion, Her warm limbs humid with the sacred strife, What may she know but man and woman fashion, Out of the clay of wrath and sorrow, Life? She holds no joys beyond the day’s tomorrow, She finds no worlds beyond his arm’s embrace,  She looks upon the Form behind the furrow, Who is her Mind, her Motion, Time and Space. Oh, somber mystery of eyes unspeaking, And dark enigma of Life’s loves forlorn, The sphinx beside the river smiles with seeking, The secret answer since the world was born. Questions: 1. Describe the setting and the mood of the poem. 2. What words in the second stanza reflect the author’s view of life? 3. Explain the line, â€Å"Who is her Mind, her Motion, Time and Space†. 4. Who is the sphinx beside the river? 5. What is the author’s purpose in the poem? RAIN M. de Gracia Concepcion Marcelo de Gracia Conception was born in Santa Maria, Ilocos Sur. He served with the United States Navy during the first World War. After the war, he spent a summer in the Alaskan fisheries. Then he attended the University of California, studying first to be a lawyer and then to be a writer. While studying, he supported himself by being a dishwasher, postal clerk, and newspaper reporter. In 1925, Azucena, the book of poems which won him fame, was published. These mystical poems reveal the spiritual emotions of the poet as he looks upon the universe. In 1932 he published another collection of poems in Bamboo Flute. At the time of his death, he was doing a minor role in a Hollywood movie. After the rain, darkness lifts to luminous acres of space above— and earth’s sweet scents breathe anew. Questions: 1. What feeling is created by the poem? 2. What senses does the poet appeal to? 3. What is the mood of the authors? 4. Is the poem realistic? Explain. 5. Evaluate the poem. Give your insights. LONELY M. de Gracia Concepcion I sit alone, Thinking sharp thoughts and as warmless as the glacial sun. I sit alone like a frozen rock left and embedded deep in glacial rivers— lonely. Questions: 1. What mood is created by this poem? 2. What images suggest this mood? 3. What words indicate this mood? 4.  What other words or images could you use to suggest the same mood? 5. Evaluate the poem. Give your insight. 1896 (CRY FREEDOM) Aurelio S. Alvero Aurelio S. Alvero is a famous writer here in the Philippines . He noted that Magtanggol ASA emblem. He initiated the translation into Tagalog of the law Military . He was a poet, orator, teacher, lawyer and leader. The cry awoke Balintawak And the echoes answered back: â€Å"FREEDOM! † All the four winds listened long, To the shrieking of that song. Every poet struck his lyre, With those burning notes of fire. All the women knelt to pray,In their hearts that frenzied lay. Even the children and the old, Took to arms and shouted bold, â€Å"FREEDOM! † I heard it from the planters in the vales, I heard it from the traders tying bales, I heard it where the fishers strike their sales, I heard it where the huskers ‘neath the trees, I heard it from the divers of the seas, I heard it from the pounders in the leas. All the people raised the cry, Fearing not to bleed or die, All the tombs of slave & sire, Broke to voice that great desire, Up the mountain, down the plain Louder, louder rang the strain. â€Å"FREEDOM! † I heard it from the makers of the brooms, I heard it from the weavers at their looms,  I heard it from the smoking smithy rooms, I heard it in the farthest islet shore. We heard it, and shall hear it evermore. â€Å"FREEDOM! â€Å" Questions: 1. What is the mood of the writer? 2. What is the theme of the poem? 3. Why is the author write this kind of poem? 4. How will you interpret this? 5. Give the messsage of the poem. LIKE THE MOLAVE Rafael Zulueta da Costa Rafael Zulueta da Costa (born 1915) is a Filipino poet. He uses the name R. Zulueta da Costa as a writer, and Rafael Zulueta as a businessman. He was a graduate of De La Salle College (now University) where he specialized in business administration. He began writing poems in Spanish and later he also wrote in English. His most famous work is Like the Molave and Other Poems, which won the Commonwealth Literary Award for Poetry in 1940. Not yet, Rizal, not yet. Sleep not in peace: There are a thousand waters to be spanned; There are a thousand mountains to be crossed; There are a thousand crosses to be borne. Our shoulders are not strong; our sinews are Grown flaccid with dependence, smug with ease Under another’s wing. Rest not in peace; Not yet, Rizal, not yet. The land has need Of young blood-and, what younger than your own, Forever spilled in the great name of freedom,  Forever oblate on the altar of The free? Not you alone, Rizal. O souls And spirits of the martyred brave, arise! Arise and scour the land! Shed once again Your willing blood! Infuse the vibrant red Into our thin anaemic veins; until We pick up your Promethean tools and, strong, Out of the depthless matrix of your of your faith In us, and on the silent cliffs of freedom, We carve for all time your marmoreal dream! Until our people, seeing, are become Like the molave, firm, resilent, staunch, Rising on the hillside, unafraid, Strong in its own fibre, yes, like the molave! Questions: 1. What is the mood of the author? 2. Who do you think is talking about the poem like a MOLAVE? 3. Why is the author writes this poem? what is his purpose? 4. What is your interpretation about the poem? 5. How this poem affects the readers? PROEM Jose Garcia Villa Mr. Villa has won international fame as a short story writer and poet. He was born in Manila in 1906. He studied in the public schools and at the University of the Philippines. His controversial poem â€Å"Man Songs† caused his expulsion from the University of the Philippines in 1929. He finished B. A in 1932 at the University of New Mexico, and he completed his M. A at Columbia University. In 1961 he received the Pro Patria Award. The next year he won the Republic Cultural Heritage Award for his Poems 55 and Selected Stories. On June 12, 1973, Mr. Villa received the National Artist award for his many literary accomplishments. The meaning of a poem is not a meaning of words. The meaning of a poem is a symbol like the breathlessness of birds. A poem cannot be repeated in paraphrase. A poem is not a thought but a grace. A poem has no meaning but loveliness. A poem has no purpose than to caress. Questions: 1. What is the meaning of the title? 2. What qualities do the author give to a poem? 3. Will you give other qualities should the poem have? 4. What line do you like the most? Why? 5. What do you think is the reason why the author write this kind of poem? THE SEA Natividad Marquez Why does the sea laugh, Mother, As it glints beneath the sun? It is thinking of the joys, my child, That it wishes every one. Why does the sea sob so, Mother, As it breaks on the rocky shore? It recalls the sorrows of the world. And weeps forevermore. Why is the sea so peaceful, Mother, As if it were fast asleep? It would give our tired hearts, dearest child, The comfort of the deep. Questions: 1. What is the theme of the poem? 2. Why do you think the author choose the title â€Å"The Sea†? 3. What is the style use by the author? 4. Why does the speaker said that â€Å"Why the sea smile? † Is this realistic? 5. What is the message of the poem? TO A LOST ONE Angela Manalang-Gloria Angela Manalang-Gloria (1907–1995) was a Filipina poet in the English language. Angela Caridad Legaspi Manalang was born on August 2, 1907 in Guagua, Pampanga to parents, Felipe Dizon Manalang and Tomasa Legaspi. However, their family later settled in the Bicol region, particularly in Albay. Caring—as she is fondly called—studied at St.  Agnes Academy in Legaspi, where she graduated valedictorian in elementary. In her senior year, she moved to St. Scholastica’s College in Malate, Manila, where her writing started to get noticed. Angela Manalang was among the first generation female students at the University of the Philippines. Angela initially enrolled in law, as suggested by her father. However, with the advice of her professor C. V. Wickers, who also became her mentor, she eventually transferred to literature. It was also during her education at the University of the Philippines that she and poet, Jose Garcia Villa developed a life-long rivalry. Both poets vied for the position of literary editor of The Philippine Collegian, which Manalang eventually held for two successive years. After graduation, Manalang-Gloria worked briefly for the Philippine Herald Mid-Week Magazine. She was the author of Revolt from Hymen, a poem protesting against marital rape, which caused her denial by an all-male jury from winning the Philippine’s Commonwealth Literary Awards in 1940. She was also the author of the poetry collection, Poems, first published in 1940 (and revised in 1950). I shall haunt you, O my lost one, as the twilight Haunts a grieving bamboo trail,  And your dreams will linger strangely with the music Of a phantom lover’s tale You shall not forget, for I am past forgetting I shall come to you again With the starlight, and the scent of wild champakas, And the melody of rain. You shall not forget. Dusk will peer into your Window, tragic-eyed and still. And unbidden startle you into remembrance with its hand upon the still. Questions: 1. Who is the lost one? 2. What mood is created in the first stanza? 3. Explain: â€Å"You shall not forget, for I am past forgetting†. 4. What flower use by the author? Why this flower use? 5. How is the emotion of love described? 6. Evaluate the poem. PRAYER OF A STUDENT Trinidad L. Tarrosa-Subido Trinidad Tarrosa-Subido was a Filipino linguist and poet she born in Socorro oriental Mindoro, where her father worked as a star . After her father’s death, she and her mother returned to Manila in 1917. She graduated from Manila East High School, and in 1929, she took the civil service examination in order to work in the Bureau of Education, and passed it with a grade of 97 percent, the highest then on record. She enrolled as a working student at the University of the Philippines at Padre Faura (commonly known as UP Manila) in 1932 and met her husband Abelardo Subido. She became a member of the UP Writers Club and contributed her sonnets. In 1945, she and her husband published poems titled Two Voices, with an introduction by Salvador P. Lopez. After the war, the Subidos put up a daily newspaper, The Manila Post, which closed in 1947 and made her a freelance writer. She then became editor of Kislap-Graphic and Philippine Home Economics Journal. She retired in 1971, and in 1984, she was invited by the Women in Media Now to write the introduction to Filipina I, the first anthology consisting of works made exclusively by Filipino women. She was honored in 1991 by the Unyon ng Mga Manunulat sa Pilipinas (UMPIL). She died in 1994. To learn, dear Lord, about these em’rald leaves, These tendered-petalled blosssoms laved in dew. From where they came, and how and why they lived; Or yet to know why ocean waters lash Their atomed selves against the granite rocks That senseless lie along the shores; to know Why rainbows fling their ribboned souls athwart The eastern skies when sunrays flick the west; Why lightning furies rage when storm winds still The thunder echoes hurtling through the dark; To learn about the earth, about the moon,  The sun and lesser stars and other worlds That span the cerulescent firmament. To learn great facts about the little things And then, while knowing these, not to unlearn- Never, O God, to unlearn the child-learned truth That thou art in reality the source, The Why, the How, the Wherefore, of all things. Questions: 1. Why is the poem entitling â€Å"The Prayer of the Students†? 2. What do you think is the purpose of this poem? 3. How the author writes this kind of poem? What style did she use? 4. Discuss the mood of the whole poem. 5. For who is this poem dedicated? 6. Give your insight about this poem.

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