Saturday, August 10, 2019

Case study report Statistics Project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Case study report - Statistics Project Example   This paper will review some of the key elements of the law. These elements include: Since the enactment of the proposition 209, diversity in Californian schools has marginally decreased and the amendment is aimed at increasing cultural diversity in Californias higher education institutions. A key analysis of the topic, however, indicates that there is a possibility that the introduction of the act would not only hinder the progress and development of diversity in Californian institutions, but also would primarily motivate racial profiling in the public school system. Regardless, this does not automatically make Proposition 209 more appropriate than SCA5. Even so, it shows that the policy has been effective and as such, there is no need to eradicate it completely from the system.    The first reason why the amendment would not be introduced effectively into the system is the consideration of the various changes that have taken place since the enactment of the Proposition 209, that hindered all Californian offices, schools and employment opportunities from considering race, sex, gender and age when selecting people. Currently, several universities around the country practice the affirmative action clause proposed by the amendment, but these same universities have not violated the Equal Protection Rights (Joe Gardner’s State Assembly, 2014).    The blacks, the Hispanics and the Asian-Americans are the worst affected if the bill is passed. Primarily, the racial profiling or preference in the selection, according to the proposing parties, would allow schools to slowly select and promote an equal selection criterion if properly enforced. The enactment of the policy, which directly opposes the Proposition 209, which was enacted in 1996 and which has been a little fruitful now. Most people fail to see the reason

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