Saturday, August 17, 2019

Passing Places and Trainspotting

Passing Places and Transporting. They play I am analyzing Is Passing Places, by Stephen Greenhorn. It is a Scottish play from 1998 which Is set In Motherly. Alongside with this, I will also analyses the movie ‘Transporting', a movie directed by Danny Bayle based on the novel ‘Transporting' by Irvine Welsh. First I will focus on the mall characters In the several works and analyses their development throughout the play and the movie. Afterwards I will compare the play and film, and how they each depict Scotland. In the Scottish play Passing Places, the main characters are the two boys Alex and Brian.Of those two characters, Alex is the one who develops most during the play. In the beginning he is aggressive, angry and tough, and has nothing but hate towards his home-town Motherly: ALEX: Look at this place. Nothing but shoe shops and burger bars. BRIAN: I'm starving. . It shows his feeling of disenchantment with his home-town, but also with his life. It feels Like he needs to leave Motherly, In order to discover what life really Is. HIS life Is full of emptiness, the only relationship he has Is with Brian.Even his relationship with his mum Is poor: ALEX: No. Look. I Just need to go away for a while. Trust me. MUM: About as far as I could throw you. Throughout he changes in a better way. He learns to relax and discovers the better sides of Scotland. He has achieved some kind of tranquility, which perhaps is a result of his meeting with Mirror. Brian is Ale's best friend. He is more clever than Alex, more sensible and more aware of the â€Å"other side† of Scotland. He has a big knowledge of Scotland and is not afraid to bombard Alex with facts during their ride through Scotland.Just as Alex, he is also seeking something besides the walls of Motherly. He knows that there are better things, and uses the stolen surfboard as n excuse to run away from Motherly. On their trip, he meets people who are Just like him. At first It's Loan, but later It's p articularly Frank the Shaper, who makes him realism that there are others like him. They have created a computer program, but also a whole way of life that gives Brian the satisfaction he has been searching for. Bran wants to do the same thing.In the film ‘Transporting', the main character is a young heroin addict living in Elite, called Mark Rent. He has a serious drug habit, and resort to shoplifting and petty theft due to his unemployment: RENT: Choose your future. Choose life†¦ But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin? 3 Mark actually goes to Aberdeen university before the narrative begin, but dropped out and really hit the drugs when his disabled brother dies In hospital.As a person he Is very dreamy, troubled, sharp, and as a viewer you never know where you are with him – he never knows where he Is himself. He actually manag ed to get rid of his heroin addicted, moved to London to start a new life and doing business. But with his old friends. Therefore, he ends pop getting involved in a drug deal and sells 4 kilos of heroin. He then escapes with the money from his â€Å"friends†, which Just shows that he has changed into a better person and has decided to choose life, instead of living in the fast lane.Both works describes the dark sides of Scotland in the beginning, only to end it up by giving the reader/viewer a good impression of Scotland. All three of them aren't really proud of being Scottish when the narrative starts: Mark Rent: It's Shiite being Scottish. We're the lowest of the low! The scum of the bucking earth! 4 Mark expresses clearly that he isn't proud of being Scottish. If you look at Alex and Brian, their way of talking and living can be seen as a result of the town they have been brought pop to. They are, to a certain point, unconcerned about everything.It is clearly illustrated i n scene 29: ALEX: I can't. I can think it but I can't say it. It's Just It's not part of my language, alright? 5 Alex can't say the word beautiful because during his adolescence in Motherly, he hasn't seen any signs of beauty. The director uses, especially Alex, to criticism the modern big cities. The brings up the contrast of beauty in the landscape and ugliness in the towns. ‘Transporting' shows some of the same things, UT of course brings up the problem of the rising usage of drugs in Scotland, mainly in the larger cities.In the film and play alike, the main characters go through a positive development. They go from being troubled and disturbed in the big cities of Scotland, to better human beings when they leave their home-towns. Both the feeling of being Scottish and the Scottish society are criticized. As a reader, you get the impression that the Scottish society is filled with improper practices and an ascending drug abuse. In order to discover the beauty of Scotland or to live life, you have to move to landscapes or even another country.

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